Food Recovery Program
The Fort Saskatchewan Food Bank relies on the generosity of our community partners to supply us with fresh food and produce for our hamper program.
If you are a retailer, producer, distributor, or grower seeking new ways to share excess food and reduce spoilage, please connect with us for more information.
During the summer months, we greatly appreciate fresh garden produce like those graciously provided by the Grow Your Own Project. A valued local partner, the Grow Your Own Project is a true labour of love for local entrepreneur and philanthropist Dennis Stelmack; offering children and families a DIY opportunity to give back to the community and those in need.
Office Hours
Monday – Friday:
9am – 4pm
Shopping Days
Select Wednesdays 11am – 6pm
Call us to book a time
Hamper Days
Tuesdays: 10am – 7pm
Thursdays: 10am – 5pm
The Fort Saskatchewan Food Gatherers Society is a registered charity which operates the Fort Saskatchewan Food Bank, Christmas Hamper Campaign, School Snack Program, and various other essential programs and services from the Fort Saskatchewan Nourishment Centre in order to serve a little hope and happiness to the people of Fort Saskatchewan in various times of need.