This is what poverty
can look like in The Fort.
Spoiler Alert – Not everyone who needs a helping hand is weak, and not everyone who needs a helping of food is poor. Sometimes life just bites. With your generous donation of time, funds or healthy fresh and non-perishable staple meal items, our local Food Bank will endure to bite back and serve a little hope and happiness to the people of Fort Saskatchewan in various times of need.
Most Needed Items
While all healthy fresh and non-perishable food, toiletries and pet food, and monetary donations are gratefully accepted, the following is a current list of items that are most needed by clients of the Food Bank:
- 1 L Juice
- Canned Pasta
- Instant Oatmeal
- Canned Fruit
- Canned Soup
- Sidekicks
- Toilet Paper
This is What Hope Can Look Like in the Fort
Hopeful for a better, sweeter tomorrow, the Fort Saskatchewan Food Gatherers Society—caring operators of your local Food Bank—are cooking up a community experience to feed hungry hearts and minds as well as body. With the potential to serve a full menu of cooking, nutrition, and family and personal advancement classes, as well as volunteer opportunities and corporate team building, the Fort Saskatchewan Food Bank is growing into the Nourishment Centre and is widening its doors to both the community at large and to clients in need in order to burn through stigmas and social classes and strengthen the very fabric and future of our community.

This is What Support Local Can
Look Like in the Fort
By organizing and hosting an event, local business and industry can serve to enhance the foundations of the community at large so that it in turn may solidify the livelihoods of owners and operators like you. With your generous charitable donation of time, you’re sure to add to, and benefit from, the economic strength and fortitude of the City of Fort Saskatchewan.
Office Hours
Monday – Friday:
9am – 4pm
Shopping Days
Select Wednesdays 11am – 6pm
Call us to book a time
Hamper Days
Tuesdays: 10am – 7pm
Thursdays: 10am – 5pm
The Fort Saskatchewan Food Gatherers Society is a registered charity which operates the Fort Saskatchewan Food Bank, Christmas Hamper Campaign, School Snack Program, and various other essential programs and services from the Fort Saskatchewan Nourishment Centre in order to serve a little hope and happiness to the people of Fort Saskatchewan in various times of need.